pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset package


pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.loading module

class pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.loading.DataLoadingTab(parent, parent_window)

Bases: tkinter.Frame

GUI tab for the data set loading stage of setting up an experiment.

Extends the class tkinter.Frame.

Populates the frame widget.

  • parent (tkinter widget) – the parent widget of this frame widget.
  • parent_window (tkinter.Toplevel) – the window which will contain this frame widget.

Get the loaded data.

If the single file format is used, a single pandas.DataFrame containing the data is returned. If the dual file format is used, a tuple containing both the objects and ranks (each a pandas.DataFrame) is returned.

Returns:the loaded data.
Return type:pandas.DataFrame or tuple of pandas.DataFrame (size 2)

Get the objects file path, if applicable.

Returns:the objects file path.
Return type:str

Get the values of the rank derivation parameters (minimum distance margin and memory).

These only apply when a single file format is used.

Returns:tuple containing the values of both parameters.
Return type:tuple (size 2)

Get the ranks file path, if applicable.

Returns:the ranks file path.
Return type:str

Get single file path, if applicable.

Returns:the single file path.
Return type:str

Check if a full data set has been loaded.

A full data set consists of either both a valid objects file and a valid and compatible ranks file or a valid single file.

Returns:boolean indicating whether or not a full data set is loaded.
Return type:bool

One-time check to verify whether new data (which may override any previously loaded data) has been loaded.

If self._new_data is true, it is reset to False before this method returns True.

Returns:boolean indicating whether or not new data has been loaded (i.e., True if self._new_data is True; False otherwise).
Return type:bool

pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.params module

class pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.params.Confirmation

Bases: enum.Enum

Class specifying enumerated constants for loading confirmation states.

Extends enum.Enum.

DONE = 1
class pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.params.LoadingFoldsWindow(parent, file_path, parent_window, is_dual_format)

Bases: tkinter.Toplevel

GUI window for specifying the parameters for loading data from a file.

Extends the class tkinter.Toplevel.

Populates the window widget with widgets to specify loading parameters and a data set preview frame.

  • parent (tkinter widget) – the parent widget of this window widget.
  • file_path (str) – the path of the file to be loaded.
  • parent_window (tkinter.Toplevel) – the window which this window widget will be stacked on top of.
  • is_dual_format (bool) – specifies whether the dual file format was used to load the dataset or not (single file format).

Get the confirmation variable indicating whether or not the file load has been completed or cancelled.

Returns:the confirmation variable for the file that was attempted to be loaded.
Return type:pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.params.Confirmation

Get the data extracted and processed from the file being loaded.

Returns:the extracted data.
Return type:pandas.DataFrame
class pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.params.LoadingParamsWindow(parent, file_path, parent_window, file_type)

Bases: tkinter.Toplevel

GUI window for specifying the parameters for loading data from a file.

Extends the class tkinter.Toplevel.

Populates the window widget with widgets to specify loading parameters and a data set preview frame.

  • parent (tkinter widget) – the parent widget of this window widget.
  • file_path (str) – the path of the file to be loaded.
  • parent_window (tkinter.Toplevel) – the window which this window widget will be stacked on top of.
  • file_type (pyplt.util.enums.FileType.) – the type of file to be loaded.

Get the confirmation variable indicating whether or not the file load has been completed or cancelled.

Returns:the confirmation variable for the file that was attempted to be loaded.
Return type:pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.params.Confirmation

Get the data extracted and processed from the file being loaded.

Returns:the extracted data.
Return type:pandas.DataFrame

Get the values of the rank derivation parameters (minimum distance margin and memory).

These only apply when a single file format is used.

Returns:tuple containing the values of both parameters.
Return type:tuple (size 2)

pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.preview module

class pyplt.gui.experiment.dataset.preview.DataSetPreviewFrame(master, df, heads_bg_colour='#106690', heads_text_colour='white', style_prefix='')

Bases: object

GUI frame for previewing datasets loaded into PLT.

Instantiates a tkinter.Canvas object containing the frame previewing the data.

  • master (tkinter widget) – the parent widget of the data preview canvas widget.
  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – the data to be previewed.
  • heads_bg_colour (str, optional) – the background colour to be used for the column headers (representing feature names) in the preview (default pyplt.gui.util.colours.PREVIEW_DEFAULT).
  • heads_text_colour (str, optional) – the text colour to be used for the column headers (representing feature names) in the preview (default ‘white’).
  • style_prefix (str, optional) – specifies an additional prefix to add to the name of the style used for themed ttk widgets (should include a dot character at the end) (default ‘’).

Destroy the preview frame widget and the canvas widget containing it.


Update the preview frame with the given data.

Parameters:df (pandas.DataFrame) – the data to be previewed.
update_column(col_id, new_values)

Update the values of a single column in the preview (e.g., for normalization).

  • col_id (int) – the index of the column to be updated.
  • new_values (array-like) – the new values to be displayed in the given column.

Module contents

This package contains GUI-based modules that manage the data set loading stage of setting up an experiment.